Bolt CMS Theme
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Content types for this theme

With flexfolio theme install you got a subfolder config-examples with example configuration files in your flexfolio folder. With quick install this examples are already active at the right place, in case of an expert install you will need to move this files to your Bolt CMS folder app/config and rename the files (remove .~~example~~. in the filename).

More about content types and in Bolt CMS:

For this theme working correctly you will need 3 contenttypes in your database. IT DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY with default contenttypes of Bolt CMS. It doesn't break your install but you will see alerts that you need to install the right contenttypes/required extensions.

When you followed quick or expert install of flexfolio theme you will notice that this contenttypes/fields/definitions needs to be available in your Bolt CMS install:

Content types required (contenttypes.example.yml):


